
Korean Society for Sandplay Therapy

학술지 다운로드

상징과 모래놀이치료(Journal of Symbols & Sandplay Therapy): eISSN : 2288-5188 / pISSN : 2234-0556

[8권 1호] 영적 재탄생을 위한 역치의 상징: 죽음

페이지 정보

작성자 한국임상모래놀이치료학회
댓글 0건 조회 132회 작성일 24-03-29 16:58


  • 제 목 [국문]
    [8권 1호] 영적 재탄생을 위한 역치의 상징: 죽음
  • 제 목 [영문]
    Symbol of Threshold for Spiritual Rebirth: Death
  • 저 자
  • 출 처
    상징과 모래놀이치료 8권 1호 49-65 page, 총17 pages
  • 발행 년도
  • 주제 키워드
    the first half and the second half of life, death, conversion, rebirth
  • 초 록 [국문]
  • 초 록 [영문]
    Jung said that the stubbornness of life and the attitude towards life in the second half should be different. In the first half of life, the attitude towards life is the period of widening oneself, aggressively challenging life, concentrating excessively in order to achieve social success, and in the latter half of life, unlike the direction of life in the first half. It takes time to listen to the sound of the unconscious, but the process is scary and painful enough to be expressed by death. The process of changing the attitude towards life in the second half is expressed as psychological abandonment and wandering, which requires efforts to develop the ability to dismantle and reorganize the old mental structure. It is only through the process of death that it is transformed into a new process of individualization. This article is about the reasons for starting the process of death, looking at the cultural, religious, mythological, psychological, and creative meanings of death, and about the changes in the attitude towards life after death and suffering.




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