
Korean Society for Sandplay Therapy

학술지 다운로드

상징과 모래놀이치료(Journal of Symbols & Sandplay Therapy): eISSN : 2288-5188 / pISSN : 2234-0556

[5권 2호]쥐와 고양이: 그림자의 필연적 대극

페이지 정보

작성자 한국임상모래놀이치료학회
댓글 0건 조회 162회 작성일 24-03-29 15:18


  • 제 목 [국문]
    [5권 2호]쥐와 고양이: 그림자의 필연적 대극
  • 제 목 [영문]
    The Mouse and the Cat: Inevitable Opposites of the Shadow
  • 저 자
  • 출 처
    상징과 모래놀이치료 5권 2호 35-56 page, 총22 pages
  • 발행 년도
  • 주제 키워드
    symbols, self-integration, sandplay therapy, mouse, cat
  • 초 록 [국문]
  • 초 록 [영문]
    In this study, the symbolisms of the ‘false self’ and the ‘true self’ were examined through the symbols of mice and cats that are shown in the Korean traditional story of ‘Ong-gojip’ and sand-pictures. The ‘mouse’, crawling up and down for survival in the darkness and surviving by hiding, stealing and cheating, represents the dark shadow part of self, whereas the ‘cat’, staring at into the darkness as it keeps watch, represents the guard of the spiritual justice as a medium for contacting and enlightening the self. Several Korean traditional stories and literatures that represent the individuation process of integrating the shadowy part, the ‘mouse’ and the ‘cat’, into a whole authentic self were presented along with sand-pictures of clients that showed the symbolism of integration as a process of the individuation of Self.




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